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About the Author:

Dr. J.E.K. Safo

Author and Publisher, D.D (Doctor), LLM (Master of Laws), BA(Hons), BSc (Hons o/g), Cert Acct, PCA, Cert Ed, RMN, GN, Post graduate; legal research, International Law, Business-CSR-Human Right, Institutional development and management. plus over 10 Diplomas and certificates

Author over 130 Book Titles including : Law, Accounting, Business,  Mathematics,, Poems, ICT, Computer Science, Psychology, Counselling, History, Nursing/Social Science, Biology, Physics , Chemistry, Women, Free Masonry, Christian Books in English, Arabic, Chinese, French & Spanish. We also have books on Islam, Freemasons, Hinduism, Buddhism faith written in english.

All the books on this website were written, edited, proofread, designed

(interior and exterior) and published by Dr James Safo

Author James Safo is Qualified in :













Author and Publisher, D.D (Doctor), LLM (Master of Laws), BA(Hons), BSc (Hons o/g), Cert Acct, PCA, Cert Ed, RMN, GN, Post graduate; legal research, International Law, Business-CSR-Human Right, Institutional development and management. plus over 10 Diplomas and certificates

 I regard myself as a slave of God, and living memory of what happened to Almighty God trusted messengers/Prophets. 

My suffering and pain when I lost all my millions are equivalent to a combination of Prophets Job and Joseph. Most of God's messengers whose names start with "J" (Joseph, Job, Jeremiah, Jonah, Joshua, Joel, Jude, John, James and Jesus) went through pain and suffering. 

My name is James and begins with the letter "J", thus, symbolising a slave of God? Despite attempting suicide five times; when I lost all my millions (physical wealth) God did not allow me to die (which would have satisfied my enemies). Instead I became example of Prophet Elijah and Jonah whose suicide attempt failed.

The best present I have from God is when I lost my Millions pound lavish living. I became closer to God, who provided me with more evidence to be free from the miscarriage of Justice.

The reward from God is much more than what I had before. More than twenty times. I believe to be one of the leading authors and publishers of faith, non-faith and academic books. It is possible I am one of the top 5% of overqualified academically; with over fifteen different professions.

(Doctorate, Masters, Bachelor of Art, Bachelor of science, Diplomas certificates Etc).

(Three volumes of my autobiography will be published soon, each more than 800 pages). I believe there are many people who will praise God for my testimony but I expect very few human to continue jealousy, blackmail and discrimination during the rest of my life journey, but God will continue to protect me.

My advice to my readers

Remember going down in life may be an accident, or God's gift/calling, but staying down is a choice. That has never been my choice.

Some of our daily communication, discrimination etc make us sinners,

so everyone must repent. Forgive and love everyone (unconditionally), have faith, trust and believe in Almighty God (Allah), the key to Heaven. 

At least 48 religious faith books and over 82 non-faith books

 These faith inspirational books on faith will strengthen your spiritual life, motivate and help you renew your faith, lift your soul, deepen your relationship with God, and lighten your road with grace, joy, and peace.

The non-faith books are for everybody, including students( A-level, bachelor and master's degrees), including dissertations. In addition, the books can be a reference for professionals as per subject matter.

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